Our new logo. Not bad. Doesn't look great though! Right click and save to disk to view.

As our site provider won't let you view  .bmp images.

Our news section has been removed to make room for this section if you fancy a friendly simply email us @ simi1@iol.ie with the following information included. Date, time, place number of players and what maps you would like to play if you don't have a server we can play on we will be happy to book one we can play on. If a server is required be sure to tell us at least 36hrs before the match is due to take place. And please don't cancel matches just before they are about to start. - Simi  (Its ok if we do it though lol). We are in MUKCSL and MUC+KCSL Cup just challenge us in the normal way at morat if your clan is part of either.

Challenge Us

To contact us:

Email: simi1@iol.ie

Icq: 78404421

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